воскресенье, 10 февраля 2013 г.

как загрузить backtrack 4-r2

http://www.infosecramblings.com Kevin Riggins

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IfВP you have any issues/problems don’t hesitate to make a comment with your question.

That is it for now – my next blog will be on the Metasploit framework.

I also highly recommend installing ati/nvidia drivers from their official sites so that you can change to a better resolution .

/usr/sbin/update-rc.d networkingВP defaults

To make networking autostart on boot:

To start networking type in terminal:

To start the GUI fromВP terminalВP – type “startx” . If you getВP any errors ( no displays found etc etc) do a fixvesa first and then startx again.

Default login/password info: user: root password: toor

And finally, the hardest installation is creating a Persistant USB . This is basically as the 2nd installation option, however here you are able to save files/settings between reboots. One of the drawbacks here is that the OS will run slower, but on the other hand it won’t interfere with your hard drive at all. To install it using this way I highly recommend using backtrack’s “official” guide . Either unencryptedВP – or fully encrypted (takes more space) – . There is also a video – .ВP One note here though, I highly recommend partitioning with ext2 (not ext3), because personally I had a lot of problems with ext3 crashing my flash drive and requiring repairs.

To login – use root/toor as user/password.

Now to the more complex ways of installing Backtrack. For dual-booting with Windows you have to have one of the previous options (live cd or live usb). Once you boot from there you will get prompted to select how to boot backtrack – Select “Start Backtrack FrameBuffer 1024×768″. A terminal window will load – type “startx” to get the GUI. Once it loads, you will find an .install file on your Desktop – click it to begin the installation. Follow the instructions until you get to the partitioning part. Here you select Guided – resize SCSI 3.0 and use freed space. However, if you think you are capable of doing it manually – select the Manual option. There you can select how much space exactly Backtrack should use. Follow the instructions and let the install finish. Reboot and now you should see a GRUB loader which prompts you which OS to boot – Select Ubuntu 8.10 (usually the first one) for Backtrack or obviously the Windows string (usually last in the list) for Windows.

Next way of installing backtrack is pretty much the same as the previous one, but to a USB flash drive. What you need here is, a USB drive (4GB+)ВP andВP . First format your flash drive to FAT32. Next start unebootin, and select for disk-image your already downloaded Backtrack 4 R2 ISO file. Select your USB drive and click OK.ВP Here you should set your USB as first bootable device in BIOS.

First you have to get your BT4 iso here -> http://www.backtrack-linux.org/downloads/ . Download the latest BackTrack 4 R2 Release ISO. The installation is quite simple . You just need a DVD disc, a iso burner (imgburn, PowerIso etc.)ВP and that’s it. Burn the iso using the software ( no special settings required)ВP and go to your BIOS settings and set DVD drive as primary boot device. Every BIOS is different so I can’t give you any precise instructions here, but it shouldn’t be too hard. Once you set it restart and you are good to go.

Now there are numerous ways to install/boot Backtrack. I will try to cover most of them. To begin with the first and most easiest way is to install it to a Live CD. What this means is that the OS will run entirely from a DVD disc and willВP not interfere with your hard drive in any way. The biggest drawback here isВP that every reboot of your computer will reset Backtrack back to its original settings. You won’t be able to save any files/settings or anything for that matter. However, I highly recommend this method for beginners so that you don’t screw up your Windows and that you get used to Backtrack first before permanently installing it to your hard drive.

Before continuing this post, I would like to explain something. If you have never touched a Linux distribution before – this is DEFINITELY NOT for you. Install some other more user friendly linux distribution first – I highly recommend Ubuntu,ВP as Backtrack is based on it. Get your self used to performing the most basic operations on it and then you can consider installing Backtrack.

First Things first, what is backtrack exactly? According to the official page at it is a Linux-based penetration testing arsenal that aids security professionals in the ability to perform assessments in a purely native environment dedicated to hacking.BackTrack is intended for all audiences from the most savvy security professionals to early newcomers to the information security field. BackTrack promotes a quick and easy way to find and update the largest database of security tools collection to-date. Our community of users range from skilled penetration testers in the information security field, government entities, information technology, security enthusiasts, and individuals new to the security community.Whether youвІ re hacking wireless, exploiting servers, performing a web application assessment, learning, or social-engineering a client, BackTrack is the one-stop-shop for all of your security needs.

Introduction to Backtrack 4 R2

Introduction to Backtrack 4 R2 | pcsci3nce.info

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